One year blog-iversary

Today marks the one year anniversary of the writing of this blog.  In the last week or so I have been thinking about this blog more than I usually do.  I have been thinking about what it means to me, what it might mean to others.  I have been wavering on doing more writing within it, not just posting projects, and then again I have been considering not writing it any more at all.  Yesterday I was convinced that I was not going to continue, and this morning I woke up thinking I will keep going, but perhaps differently.  (Yes, it is very hard for a Libra to get out of her own way sometimes.)

I have been thinking about this whole blog world that has been created on the internet.  I have said before that I do not Facebook, Twitter, text, whatever other social media you might be into.  This blog is the furthest I have ventured into that strange land.  And sometimes it seems like too far to me.  It is a very odd thing to me that I get up in the morning, make a cup of tea (or cocoa, or coffee), sit down at my computer, and wake up looking at a handful of other blogs.  Reading about what other people, people I do not know, have been up to since yesterday.  What is it about other peoples lives or families or even their knitting projects that interests us?     After reading a blog consistently for a couple of weeks, we feel we are getting to know someone.  We see photos of their kids, their homes, their farms and animals, their sewing or knitting or cooking projects.  We see the changes that evolve in their environments, see the seasons pass–sometimes in other parts of the world–seasons that are different from our own back yards.  Peeking in on their day-to-day lives becomes a habit.  I sometimes feel if I have missed a day or two of a blog I follow that I have missed something in a friends life and need to catch up.

How did this happen?  How did we as a culture get to be people who know all about someone whom we have never met, but do not even know our neighbors?  Is this like having friends without all of the messy and sometimes complicated interaction and maintenance that a friendship requires?  We don’t actually know these blog people, but when they write about a sick family member or pet that might have passed away, we grieve with them, we feel their sadness.  We congratulate them when they have had a successful gardening year or when a sweater is finally completed.

As I have been thinking about this blog that I write, I wonder if it really matters if a picture of a finished hat is posted for all, or none, to see.  I know I finished it (or didn’t), I know if something pleased me or not.  But then the reverse is true also, when I make a new post and see the numbers of views of that post climb, and the comments are thoughtfully sent in, it pleases me a great deal to think that what I posted might have meant something to however many people looked at it.

This blog has been an interesting exercise in photography for me as well.  Through my camera I have been looking at where I live from a different perspective.  While I do not take living here in the Western Maine Mountains (yes, in my mind that is Always Capitalized) for granted, to see it through someone else’s eyes is interesting too.  Very often, I either say to myself, or Ug and I will say between us, how lucky we are to live here.  I have enjoyed having a place to gather up the photos I take on our daily adventures.

I have also liked using this spot as a portfolio of finished knitting, spinning and sewing projects. So much of what we do as crafters and artists is given away as gifts.  When the year is done, you know that you have been busy making things, but there is not much to show for your efforts as all of those warm, snuggly objects have gone off to live with someone else–on their hands or heads or round their necks.  To be able to look back at a project completed is satisfying.  Even if that object is lone gone from the work basket.

In writing this one year marker post, I have worked through my own thoughts about whether to continue or not.  I think I will.  It may continue in a different way.  Some days I find myself wanting to make a post, and have a photo or two to share, but find myself with no words at all to go with.  Have you ever had a big idea, or been thinking something over for days and days, open your mouth to share it with someone else, and nothing at all comes out?  Other days I feel like I want to write about something that has been on my mind, but am not sure if this is the spot to do that in or not, so I end up keeping it to myself.

Thank you to everyone who takes the time to read what I have posted here.  Only a few of you are personally known to me, and the rest of you read this anyway.  This makes me giggle sometimes to think that anything I am doing up here in nowhere-Maine is finding some sort of home with you as well.

Winter is settling down on us here.  The days are colder, and darker too.  By 4pm it is dark out now.  The nights are very cold already.  Knitting continues, at a faster pace now that Christmas is coming, spinning will begin after presents are done (you can’t spin until the gifts are all done, unless the newly spun yarn is the present).  Sewing will start soon too, as there is at least one person on my list who would like some new clothes.

Thank you for taking the time to follow along with me as I blunder through my own days and projects and sort through the, often, messy business of this small life.

12 thoughts on “One year blog-iversary

  1. I enjoyed reading your reflections. I think in order to achieve peace on earth and realize the interconnectness of all things we need to connect in a larger way, like through digital media (blogs, FB, etc). So relationships will be different than when people lived all their lives in the same town. But we still need the immediacy of face to face relationships.
    PS I live in NH!

  2. I hope you do continue your blog.My interest in it is probably has more than one side. I enjoy seeing what you make because I am also an artistic outlit kind of person even I don’t knit much or work with wool or yarn. I love seeing other peoples work. I especially love your upcycling. Another aspect is that I LOVE how you think and express things, your sense of humor and your delivery of it. I wish I could see more of your pictures. It is one thing to live in such a beautiful place but to photograph things in a beautiful way makes it even more great to see. You could probably photograph even ordinary things and give them an interesting twist with your “eye”. Last but not least, I hope this isn’t too personal for a blog but I don’t do all those social sights either and this is one of the first opportunities to say- You are my niece and because of my lifestyle I wasn’t able to get to know you before. I think that we like a lot of the same things and missed the chance to find that out before! So, I hope to hear more from you- Especially your take on life and your way of looking at things.
    Aunt N

    • Wow, I have also really enjoyed reading your BLOG and learning more about your life and all the talents you have and especially your wit and your way of putting it down in print. Do not quit doing it for we will all miss you very much. Keep us all happily informed on what you do. Even pics of your healthy breakfasts are fun to see! You may not here from me for a couple of weeks, cause Him and I will be going south tomorrow and be back before Christmas. From your auntie V By BY for now!

  3. I, too,(yet another relative), would like to continue to hear from you here. It is the highlight of most mornings to open up and be able to see what you are doing, where you have been and how much you learn as you go through your life.

  4. This is a wonderful post. I have just begun blogging and I’m now realizing that it becomes a bit of a chore…a fun chore most of the time. But I’ve already wondered how long I will continue. Maybe years, maybe not.
    I too am from Maine. South Portland…for the first time in my life I am living someplace other than Maine. We are in Nova Scotia for another year and a half and the time cannot go by fast enough. We are truly blessed to have Maine be our home, aren’t we? I’ll have to peak around your blog a bit and see if I can see a glimpse of home!
    Thanks for sharing today!

  5. Happy Blog-iversary and hopes for many more.
    I am happy you have decided to continue to share with us when you can.
    Whether in pictures or words or both….you speak eloquently of your life and the beauty of the things around you. You have helped us to see that we don’t have to be at the Grand Canyon to find amazing views: you have shown us the beauty of a few acorns in a stream. (Loved that picture.) I would have never stopped to admire a skein of yarn or the shine on that gorgeous white wool you had. You have become another set of eyes for us. And some times when I read your blog, it is almost like reading poetry. You have introduced us to a part of Maine I have never seen, a man named Ug and a sweet pair in Sadie and Henry.
    Do you realize whether you have 5….30…..200 followers, you are taking us away from here (where ever that maybe.) Sometimes it is just a quick hello….other times, it’s like lingering with a friend over a hot cup of tea on a cold afternoon. Both a welcome and appreciated.
    Did I miss the announcement that you finished the squirrel socks?

  6. I also enjoyed reading your reflections, and read all your post. (Often lots of text, and no pictures make me click on, but I was really interested in what you said.) I have a facebook account, which I rarely use now, as I feel my blog friends (are they friends when we haven’t met) are more interested in the things I am interested in. I used to put my crafty things on my facebook page, and then would feel a bit upset when they were not commented on.

    But I also worry that I am spending too much time blogging. I start to view everything I do as a possibility for a post. Also as a shy person, perhaps blog friends are easier than real ones.

  7. I see blogging as an ebb and flow… some times I have something to write every day or even multiple times in a day. Other times, like now, I hardly get a post out in a couple of weeks.

    I started because I felt I had something to say. I had hoped others would read it, but was completely petrified when I realized other WERE reading it. I like your reference to it being a “habit”… we don’t share everything of ourselves… at least I don’t enjoy blogs that do… We share thoughts. perspective and little moments, while still keeping some things private.

    I must admit that this post has made you much more interesting to me.

    Happy Blog-iversary… and Fiber Arts Friday… both a little late. 😉

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